“Meet the Directors” Community Meeting and VBA Claims Clinic

VA Medical Center - Vancouver Campus (Gymnasium) 1601 E. 4th Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA

Meet with VA Portland Health Care System & VBA Portland Regional Office Directors personally in an informal, relaxed environment to share your ideas on how to improve VA services, ask questions, & address your concerns. Veterans Benefits Administration representatives will be on hand to discuss YOUR benefits claim, answer questions, and address specific concerns. Wednesday, […]

Voiture 99 Cheminot / Cabane 99 Cheminot

Voiture 99 Chateau 2809 NE 78th Street, Vancouver, WA

Monthly Business meetings held on the third Tuesday of every month. Dinner 5:30 pm, Cost $8.00 Meetings  6:30 pm  (Members only during meetings)   Chili w/corn bread, salad & dessert